BugBounty Talks 🎤
What is BugBounty Talks?
Talks give anyone an opportunity to speak up and talk on any topic related to #bugbounty and help the #bugbounty community learn and grow by sharing knowledge. This will also give a chance to everyone in the community to learn new techniques, improve their skills and help secure the web.
What are We Interested In?
- New techniques / methodologies (you use to hack).
- New tools
- Best bugs you found on a program (For eg. Disclosing 10 of your bugs you found on a public program)💃 🕺 💰
- Other
Submission Process
- Submit your proposal (topic + description) here (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvSHbzVN5x_JFIoux2v_FrjeJdFCqKksQqNSBI6hmn64pN0w/viewform).
- Your will be contacted via email if your talk is selected.
- We will do a hangout video call and record the session.
- Later, we will post the presentation to talks archive.
- Upload the video session on youtube.
Talks Archive
Automation For Bug Hunters By @mhmdiaa [Video] [Presentation]